Bald Spot Restoration

People are naturally skeptical and ask for the pictures that we don’t post.

Here is a picture I would not normally post because the patient does not want to be public with his results. We can use the back shot because his privacy is assured. He was thinning from front to back. Dr. Bolton gave him a presentation of a full head of hair in one procedure.

This patient had a prior procedure elsewhere and Dr. Bolton was able to more then double his results.  Not only did he get a full thick hair line but was also able to totally fill in his bald spot in the crown.

So when a prospective patient says I’d like to see the ones that don’t make your site. Here you go. We try to be balanced and if you look on our site you will see some results are better then others. That is because results vary depending on your donor density, budget, and quality of donor hair. Also the amount of loss you have plays a big part. The bigger the area to fill the more challenging the case.


Bald Spot Restoration Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases


Bald Spot Restoration Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases


Lower Hairline and Full Density Hair Transplant

This patient simply wanted a lower hairline and to increase the density throughout the middle of his head. In 7 short months, you can see what a dramatic difference it has made.

How Many Hair Transplants Does It Take?

This patient had 3 previous procedures with other doctors, prior to coming to Dr. Bolton. He was kind enough to share this information with us to help others in similar situations.

The reality is when you are losing hair at such a young age you are destined to lose a lot.

One procedure is not a cure, as it doesn’t stop your other hair from falling out.

Patient said he was considering shaving his head after the prior procedures as he felt he didn’t want to do it anymore. I told him about Dr. Bolton and what he was able to do with patients who had a similar history as his. Dr. Bolton is famous for moving more hair in 1 procedure than many doctors can do in multiple procedures.


How Many Hair Transplants Does It Take? Before And Afters Hair Transplant Industry Exposed Hairline


How Many Hair Transplants Does It Take? Before And Afters Hair Transplant Industry Exposed Hairline

How Many Hair Transplants Does It Take? Before And Afters Hair Transplant Industry Exposed Hairline


Full Coverage On A Large Area After Hair Transplant

Many people only dream about the days where they were able to grow their hair out. The best part is, is that is completely possible again. This patient is almost completely bald on the top of his head, but is able to transform his look with a single hair transplant with Dr. Bolton.

Many doctors will not take on a case like this because of the amount of loss the patient has, but Dr. Bolton takes cases like this regularly, and surpasses everyone’s expectations.


Full Coverage On A Large Area After Hair Transplant Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline

Full Coverage On A Large Area After Hair Transplant Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline

Full Coverage On A Large Area After Hair Transplant Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline

Full Coverage On A Large Area After Hair Transplant Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline

Full Coverage On A Large Area After Hair Transplant Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline


Full Coverage On A Large Area After Hair Transplant Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline

Full Coverage On A Large Area After Hair Transplant Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline

Full Coverage On A Large Area After Hair Transplant Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline

Full Coverage On A Large Area After Hair Transplant Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline

Full Coverage On A Large Area After Hair Transplant Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline


Which Appearance Would You Prefer?

A single hair transplant can transform your look from receding, or thinning, to full and thick. This patient had obvious thinning taking place in the frontal hairline area, and in just 7 months has achieved a restored thickness and fullness. Congratulations to this patient and we look forward to seeing your improved results over the next 5 months!


Which Appearance Would You Prefer? Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline


Which Appearance Would You Prefer? Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline